

Since Clover routes are OpenAPI compliant, you can generate a client against the spec using any library of your choice e.g. Orval (opens in a new tab) or oazapfts (opens in a new tab).

If you'd rather not add a client generation step, Clover also provides a lightweight fetcher that can be used to make requests to the API.

// server.ts
import { makeRequestHandler } from "";
const { handler, clientConfig, openAPIPathsObject } = makeRequestHandler({
  input: z.object({
    name: z.string(),
  output: z.object({
    greeting: z.string(),
  run: async ({ request, input, sendOutput }) => {
    const { name } = input;
    return sendOutput({ greeting: `Hello, ${name}!` });
  path: "/api/hello",
  method: "GET",
  description: "Greets the user",
  authenticate: async (req) => {
    return true;
export type clientTypes = typeof clientConfig;
// client.ts
import { makeFetcher } from "";
export const fetcher = makeFetcher({
  baseUrl: "",
  headers: {},

The fetcher is simply a typesafe wrapper around fetch that manages query params, path params, and request/response bodies. You can use the fetcher anywhere to make network requests to your API routes. The fetcher is generic; once you pass in the client types, you will get intellisense on all the fields.

// some/other/file.ts
import { fetcher } from "../../client";
import type { clientTypes } from "../../server";
const resp = fetcher<clientTypes>({
  input: {
    name: "Sarim",
  method: "GET",
  path: "/api/hello",



baseUrlstringWhere your API routes can be reached e.g.
headersHeadersCommon headers sent with each request.



inputz.infer<AnyZodObject>Input variables as described by your server route input schema.
pathstringThe relative path where your handler can be reached e.g. /api/hello-world. This will be constrained so there can only be one value.
methodHTTPMethodGET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. This will be constrained so there can only be one value.
validator?AnyZodObjectParse the received response with a Zod schema. It must be the same as the server output schema or you will get a type error.